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Publiée le 27/05/10 à 14h30

EA-MDE (Empirical Assessment of the Efficacy of MDE) is a multidisciplinary project that brings together computer and social scientists to identify, understand and document the factors that influence whether MDE adoption is successful or not.
A key focus of the project is on social and organizational factors as well as technical factors. The current project is a pilot project which aims to test the feasibility of assessing MDE practices empirically and aims to feed back the results to industry.
To date, we have carried out an assessment of MDE adoption using a variety of social science methods, including online questionnaires and in-depth interviews with industry practitioners. In the near future, we also plan detailed observational studies of MDE use in practice.
The talk will present early results from the project based on preliminary analysis of our data which will provide some useful insights into how model-driven engineering is being used in practice in industry.